Slam.Site Burbank LAN Party Invitational Premiere
(what a mouthful)
The call to a gathering of killers was made by none other than our newest employee, Reptile of Clan Postal. If you host it, they will come. The night was filled with a number of frontmen from different clans;
Xtreme Prejudice
Evil Geniuses
(Link updated 07/22/1997)
(Link updated 07/07/1997)
Black Diamond
Fun Lovin Criminals
The Pimp
other Quakers
LionHeart(XP Candidate)
Time Traveler(me)
BTW, Snow White chickened out. :)
Plus several others whose names have slipped through the cracks.

Evil Geniuses
The party itself started afterhours roughly at 10pm Friday night. People filtered in at that Time and things got swinging. Numerous small skirmishes broke out among the Quakers and many others connected to the net via the dedicated game T1 line. In short order, a match was arranged between Evil Geniuses and Postal on a popular ClanRing server. Representing the clan Evil Geniuses, LAN party guest Sturtz rustled up fellow clanners Muppetman, Killboy, and Mikej. On Postal's side, Reptile led members Hardcode, Club, and Da5id on the assault. The selected map was DM3, The Abandoned Base. Pings were good for Postal, but 3 members of EG had pings in the low hundreds. The only problem before the match was when Reptile's TCP/IP settings were incorrectly configured and he couldn't connect for about 15 minutes. Thanks to everyone's patience, he eventually connected and the game got underway.

Perhaps due to the ping advantage, Clan Postal jumped out to an early lead. 5 minutes into the match, Postal was ahead 25 to 10. (Click on the thumbnails to view the entire 640x400 screenshot.

Maybe the stars were in proper alignment, or perhaps someone sacrificed the right mammal, but amazingly the Evil Geniuses caught up to Postal in 2.5 minutes of play. The score: 27 to 25, Postal ahead by 2.

Just as the game started getting really interesting, the server crashed. Actually, many people speculated that Slam.Site was ping flooded by some disgruntled people, but that's just speculation. The final score after the crash was 47 to 39, Evil Geniuses ahead with 5 unplayed minutes left in the match.

It is very unfortunate that the above match could not be played out till the end. In any case, after that interrupted loss, Postal decided to take it out on the members of Xtreme Prejudice, Kiljoy and Unholy. Due to the lack of manpower, XP candidate LionHeart and EG member Sturtz subbed into the last two spots for the battle against Postal. Because everyone involved was on a LAN, there were no excuses about lag. There were a few moments of prematch antics as the two teams worked on their human pyramids. BTW, the following thumbnails expand to 640x480 screenshots.

Once the battle got underway, again Postal jumped out to an early lead, 17 to 6.

About halfway through the match, it was obvious that Xtreme Prejudice was on a comeback. The score was 25 to 15, Postal.

By the 17 minute mark, the score was tied at 54 all.

And despite the best efforts of both teams to secure the win, again it was not Clan Postal who had the bigger hunger. Final score was 69 to 65, Xtreme Prejudice.

Demos of the two team games are available as well. Be advised, however, that the Evil Geniuses vs. Postal demo has not yet been edited for clarity and contains about 10 minutes of pregame babble. Time permitting I'll put up an edited demo.
Evil Geniuses vs. Postal
Roughly 1.0 megs
Xxtreme Prejudice vs. Postal
Roughly 1.3 megs
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