I make custom puzzles. Or I used to, anyway. That is seldom the case these days. To make up for it, I am now trying to spend more Time providing information about how to make various puzzles.
25 January 2015: Look below! Some information about two puzzles I built years ago (the Master Pyraminx, the 1x2x2) and one I recently completed after sitting around half complete for more than six years (the 4x5x5). What's gotten into me???
09 July 2008: More page updates. I finished the page for the 3x4x4 puzzle. Check it out. Now a little bad news. The price for the Slim Tower has gone up and is now $100. If you have previously signed up to purchase one, then I will honor the old price of $80.
11 June 2007: More puzzle madness. First, I have finally finished writing up a page for all orders of puck puzzles, so below now is a link for the 2/4 layer puck as well. It's the same page as the 3 layer puck, by the way, but now with more information.
But bigger than that fun-but-simple exercise, the preliminary page for my design of the 3x3x4 is up. Enjoy!
10 May 2007: Finally updated this page. Check out the link for the 4x4x5 below. I have also added a link to the 3 layerPuck which was more of a fun exercise than a full attempt at making a custom puzzle. Besides, that one's too easy not to make yourself.
12/27/2005: A thank you to rastarubik from the Spanish puzzle forums for providing me with the impetus for finally constructing this puzzle. Oh, which puzzle? The 3x3x5 puzzle, for which the link is below. Enjoy!
04/14/2004: Thanks to Adam Zamora I went ahead and added a fun custom project update for the site. Check out the Siaminx below.